
Note to certification

The usage of gasketing materials and the recommendations for plastic materials used in the transport of drinking water, known by the German abbreviation KTW (Kunststoffe und Trinkwasser), which substitutes the previous national authority on the subject – BGA (Bundesgesundheitsamt) and BgVV (Budensinstitu für gesunhetlichen Verbraucherschutz und Veterinarmedizin), has been defined by the German agency for water and and gas DVGW (Deutsche Vereinigung des Gas- und Wasserfaches). DVGW, through a network of laboratories throughout Germany, German speaking countries and northern Europe, first of all examines the suitability of the formulation and then subjects the product to rigorous tests of suitability to the use depending on the final application.

KTW and its Testing guideline for organic materials have been replaced with Elastomer guideline issued by UBA. UBA has taken the job over and is the institute authorized for determination of substances which may get in contact with potable water since the year 2012. UBA belongs to Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety). Like the other Federal Environment Agency guidelines are composed of 3 parts:

• positive list of starting substances that can be used to manufacture elastomers

• prescribed test methods (migration test procedure) and

• the limit values observed in the test

Getting the KTW/UBA certificate for potable water after December 2016 is the subject of further development and communication with the afore-said agency.The common and general raw-materials (e. g. aramid and mineral fibers or accelerators) have not been shown on the positive list at this stage. All existing and valid TZW/KTW certificates will expire in December 2016, unless otherwise specified. TEMAC will monitor the situation and will keep our customers informed accordingly.