
Company address:

TEMAC, a. s.

Nymburská 53

289 13 Zvěřínek

Czech Republic


ID-number of the company: 00012092
Tax identification number: CZ00012092

Sales – domestic /
Slovak Republic

Phone: +420 325 550 195

Phone: +420 325 550 268

Fax: +420 325 550 103


E-mail: prodej@temac.cz


Western Europa and overseas markets:

Phone: +420 325 550 246

Phone: +420 325 550 283

Phone: +420 325 550 107

Fax: +420 325 513 104

Fax: +420 325 550 250


E-mail: export@temac.cz

Central and Eastern Europe:

Phone: +420 325 550 109

Phone: +420 325 550 376

Fax: +420 325 550 250


E-mail: eastsales@temac.cz


Phone: +420 325 550 109

Phone: +420 325 550 251

Fax: +420 325 513 402


E-mail: eastsales@temac.cz


Phone: +420 325 550 171

Phone: +420 325 550 249

Fax: +420 325 550 250


E-mail: sngsales@temac.cz

Customer service:

E-mail: info@temac.cz


Phone: +420 325 550 151

Fax: +420 325 550 164


E-mail: orj@temac.cz

Purchase department:

Phone: +420 325 550 361

Phone: +420 325 550 301

Phone: +420 325 550 363

Fax: +420 325 550 350


E-mail: purchase@temac.cz

Technical support:

Phone: +420 325 550 181

Fax: +420 325 550 284


E-mail: tech.help@temac.cz